Why Use a Professional Web Designer?

In this journal entry we’ll be looking at the reasons for using a professional web designer. We’ll also look at the process of design, the benefits of using a web designer and how designers compare to website developers.

What Does a Web Designer Do?

A Web Designer’s goal is to create a website that looks and feels like the brand. In other words, a web designer gives your brand an online presence. To achieve this, the web designer follows a planned process of steps in order to arrive at the best results.

The Strategy Meeting

Web designers work with the client to understand their wants and needs for their website. This is typically known as the ‘strategy of the process’. From this, the Web Designer will have an understanding of what the client wants to show and will formulate how they can demonstrate this through the website.

Building a Wire Frame

Once a Web Designer knows what you want and how you want it, they’ll then develop a wireframe of the site. This is essentially an outline of the site to help demonstrate where text or images could go, as well as establishing a basic layout.

Presenting the Design

The strategy is complete, and the wireframe is created; what’s next? Next, is the process of designing the website. The design takes inspiration from the strategy meeting, where what is wanted and needed on the website is discussed and defined. As well as your own branding, understanding your brand is very important and crucial to the site’s success.

Why Use A Professional Web Designer?

There are plenty of reasons to use a web designer and plenty of reasons to give it a go yourself. However, hiring a professional website designer gives you access to more experience, expertise and ongoing training around how to design a website. For example:

Web Design UX

UX (user experience) is something that high level web designers should implement into their design. Website Designers, particularly in Fellow’s case, have a high level of understanding when it comes to user experience. This level of understanding is crucial when making the website user-friendly, fast and reactive.

Strategic Design Process

As well as making the website user friendly for users of the site, designers will also add a strategy behind the project. Instead of just making websites look good, each page will have a different purpose and goal behind it. Moving away from a ‘one-size fits all’ approach typically found on websites such as Wix and Square space, and makes it professional and sharp.

Taking Responsiveness into Account

The responsiveness of a website is crucial to the success of any website in the current digital climate we live in. Most pre-built designs do offer responsiveness, however, custom built designs can adapt branding and story-telling for every device.

Time Saving

As well as all the benefits of a more responsive and meaningful site, it also saves you a lot of time. Designing a site isn’t easy or fast and without experience this difficulty and the associated time factor can rise exponentially.

A Better Looking Website

Overall, hiring a professional web designer can result in a better looking website. Designers are designers because they know what users want to see and how they want to interact with them. And moreover, they know how to achieve this. This comes with time and education, something that can’t be generated off the cuff.

Website Design and Build

Many web designers will work with website developers. This means they can offer a full package website design option. Some companies are only able to offer either design or development, so it’s important to understand what this means when hiring.

The difference Between Website Design and Web Development

A common question asked by clients is what is the difference between a web designer and a website developer? It has a pretty simple answer, web designers create the look of the website whereas website developers build the actual website.

Website Design

As we mentioned earlier in the journal entry, website design is all about the look of the website. A website designer will design the wireframes, understand the brand and create the overall look of the website. They will also use their understanding of UX to make the website easier to use, thus helping to increase conversions. Find out more about our professional web design services here.

Website Developer

A website developer will work with the designer in order to make their designs fit onto the website. A good developer should be able to build an almost 1 to 1 recreation of the designed site. However, it’s important to work with designers who understand website development, as there are some big no-nos when it comes to design and actually building.

What Should You Look for in a Website Designer?

The whole point of a website designer is to understand your brand and your business and implement this into a website. Here are some areas to look out for:

They take an interest in your brand

The designer needs to understand your brand in a lot of detail to represent it. With some sites reaching 1,000s of visitors everyday this can be crucial when building your brands reputation..

Experience in Website Design

This might sound pretty obvious; however, it is important to check and make sure they do. Some designers and companies out there think it’s the same process as designing a brochure, which it is not. Whilst some print designers can transfer their skills into website design, and vice versa, this is not always the case.

Do they work with a website developer?

You need to understand whether they already have a developer as this can create a much smoother website creation process. If not, do they know anyone who can develop their designs.

Rounding Up: Why Use a Professional Web Designer?

A website designer brings a range of benefits, including experience, education and developers. Designers help give you more time and create, in general, a better and faster website. Website designers should offer some form of development with the project as this will bring the design to life. It’s important to work with a designer who you believe can enhance your brand through the use of a website.

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